kuwait Kuwait Introduces AI Generative News Anchor. 50 News Sites already are AI Generated. Kuwait leads the world in the first AI generated news anchor causing much debate in the oil rich nation.
nvidia Nvidia KeyNote Computex in Taiwan Nvidia demonstrates absolutely insane levels of automation abilities utilizing the latest GPU acceleration.
AI AI CAGR Expected to Average 37% Artificial Intelligence CAGR (Continuous Average Growth Rate) is expected to average 37% year over year. Which gives it a doubling period of 1.9 years.
AI Zero-Shot Generative AI Finds Antibodies 10-30x More Potent Than Natural. Author Gets ChatGPT to Write The Article and Relegates Himself to Snarky Comments About It all.. New AI's are finding antibodies 10-30x more potent than natural ones.
AI Applying Deep Reinforcement Learning to the Equation/Coding Space Itself. Applying Deep Reinforcement Learning to the Equation/Coding Space Itself.
AI Israel to Receive 8-ExaFlop AH-100 Nvidia AI-Generative SuperCluster Israel to Receive 8-ExaFlop AH-100 Nvidia AI-Generative SuperCluster
AI The AI Proliferation Explosion has Become Unstoppable (and it is being lead by Nvidia...) AI Proliferation has become unstoppable as it invades all fields of research and development and scientific research.